Terms and Conditions of the “Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere” Competition

  1. Organiser, Definitions
  • Wizz Air Hungary Ltd. (“Wizz Air”), with registered seat in Hungary, 1103 Budapest, Laurus Offices, Kőér street 2/A, Building B (“Organiser”) is organizing the competition “Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere”, which is to run from 23 June 2022 00:001 (GMT+2) until 26 June 2022, 00:01 (GMT+2) (“Competition”).
  • The administrators of the Competition are Mito Communications Zrt Károlyi utca 9. Floor, 1053 Budapest, Hungary, www.mito.hu each referred to as the “Administrator”.
  • Definitions

Entrant: Any person entering the Competition according to the present terms and conditions.

Entry: Completion of actions listed in Paragraph 3.2 below.

Terms and Conditions: This document.

  1. Entrants
  • Participation in the Competition is open to any person above the age of 18 with full legal capacity with Internet access, who is resident of Poland but excludes members of the organizing association and their family (spouse/children) and any person who has generally helped to develop the Competition.
  1. Entry requirements
  • Entry period from 23 June 2022 00:01 (GTM+2) until 26 June 2022 00:001 (GTM+2) (the “Entry Period”).
  • Entry method:

In order to become an eligible Entrant, any participant shall during the Competition period:

  1. If you are traveling on a selected Wizz Air flight from Poland on 23 and 24 June 2022, find the hidden photo frame in the seat pocket in front of you on the plane. Each passenger will have the chance to find one.
  2. Take a photo with the Wizz frame (the “Photo”), tag @wizzair account and share it on your Instagram profile with the tag #WIZZyouwherehere during the Entry Period.
  • Make sure your profile is public and that you follow @wizzair account on Instagram.

3.3          Each Entrant may submit only one Photo. If Entrant submitted more than one Photo, only the first submitted Photo will take part in the Competition.

3.4          The Competition will be announced on the Administrator’s Instagram accounts. In addition to such announcements, the Organiser reserves the right to announce the Competition at the Wizz Air Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/wizzair/), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/wizzair/) and Twitter profiles (https://twitter.com/wizzair) and on wizzair.com. 

3.5          The Organiser may exclude an Entrant from the Competition at any stage, and remove the results of a given Entrant from the Competition in the following cases:

  1. i) if the Entrant violates any third party rights, including personal rights and copyrights, in particular if the Entrant does not hold copyright or derivative rights to the submitted Photo and all its elements to the extent indicated in the Terms and Conditions or if it does not have the consent of the persons, whose images are on the Photo for using their images in the Competition and as envisaged in these Terms and Conditions;
  1. ii) if the award was obtained by fraud against the Organiser or other Entrants;

iii) if the submitted Photo contains vulgarisms, offensive, political, propagandistic, religious content, or content that is against the law or good manners;

  1. iv) if the submitted Photo contains advertising content of the Entrant or third parties;
  1. detection of other violations of the Terms and Conditions or law by the Entrant;
  1. in other situations described in the Terms and Conditions.

In the event of an exclusion, the Entrant may submit a complaint in accordance with the Terms and Conditions; submitting a complaint does not affect the Entrant’s rights under applicable laws.

  1. Winner selection
  • In order to ensure the proper organization and conduct of the Competition, and in particular to assess the correctness of the applications to the Competition and to select the Competition’s winners, the Organiser will appoint a Jury (the “Jury“).
  • The Jury will consist of 2 (in words: two) persons indicated by the Organiser.
  • The Jury will choose the 5 (five) Entrants as the winners of the Competition based on Jury’s own assessment of the Photos submitted in accordance with Sec. 3 with the use of the following criteria: visibility and creativity.
  1. Awards
  • One winner will win:
    1. 500 EURO WIZZ AIR travel voucher (the “Voucher”);
    2. a cash amount of 55,55 EURO;

(Collectively the “Prize”).

  • The Voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of its issue. To use the Voucher, please enter the Voucher code at the payment stage during your online purchasing wizzair.com.
  • Four replacement winners shall be selected by the Jury in addition to the winners described in Sec. 4.4 and Sec. 1. In case the winner selected could not be reached in accordance with procedure stipulated in Sec. 6 or is disqualified from the Competition based on Sec. 3.5, Organiser will notify the first eligible replacement winner. 
  • Wizz Air’ General Conditions of Carriage shall be applicable to the tickets which are components of the Prize as applicable and published on wizzair.com from time to time.
  • Neither the Prize, nor its components are The Prize must be accepted as such and cannot be replaced with another item or money.
  • The Organiser levies a flat-rate income tax of 10% of the value of the Prize.
  • In accordance with the applicable tax laws, and the obligation to pay personal income tax mentioned in Sec. 5.6 on Prize listed in Sec. 5.1, the Organiser shall award the winners an cash prize (mentioned in 5.1 ii) in an amount corresponding to the amount of tax borne by the winner of the Voucher (gross-up), i.e. the equivalent of 11.11% of the value of the Voucher, allocated for payment of tax on the Voucher and the cash prize. Before the Prize will be given to the winner, the Organiser shall collect personal income tax from the winner of the Prize. The tax shall be collected by deducting the tax from the cash prize mentioned in 5.1 ii). To settle the tax mentioned in Sec. 6. the winner is obliged to provide the Organiser with the necessary data requested by the Organiser.
  • The Organiser informs the winner, that the Organiser is obliged to collect the tax and remit the tax by the 20th of the month following the month in which it was collected, to the account of the tax office. And by the end of January of the year following the tax year in which the Prize was given, the Organiser is obliged to send the annual PIT-8AR return to its tax office.
  1. Notification to Winners
  • The winner will be notified by the Administrator via the respective Administrator’s Instagram page or via Instagram Direct Message by 4 July 2022. Organiser may also decide to publish the name or nickname of the winner, as well as winner’s Photo on its website or as specified in Sec. 3.4.
  • Failure to respond to the Administrator within 7 days of the date on which the Administrator sends the notification message will result in disqualification. In such case, the Organiser reserves the right to offer the prize to the next eligible Entrant selected in accordance with 5.4.
  • The Administrator reserves the right to carry out all necessary checks to ensure that the winner meets the requirements of these Terms and Conditions, both before and after the award of the Prize.
  • If a winner or Entrant does not meet the requirements, it will result in disqualification.
  1. Data protection
  • The data protection provisions of the Competition are contained in the Privacy notice of the Competition.
  1. License
    • The Entrants may only submit the Photo which is of their own creation to the Competition. The Entrant authorizes the Organiser to verify the Photo at any time, including the entity holding the title to the Photo.
  • The Entrant is solely responsible for any infringement of third-party copyrights or personal rights in connection with the submitted Photo.
  • The Entrant agrees that the Organiser or entities acting on their behalf may make all changes, alterations and other modifications to the submitted Photo, according to the needs of the Organiser and entities acting on their behalf.
  • The Entrant agrees that the Photo submitted by the Entrants may be posted on the Internet or used in the marketing materials of the Organiser or other entities commissioned by Organiser, without mentioning the author’s name (or any other name or other data enabling the identification of the specific person named in the Entrants’ photo), to which the Entrants agree.
  • By completing the actions mentioned in Sec. 3.2 above in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, the Entrant grants the Organiser and  other entities commissioned by Organiser permission for the unlimited distribution of the Entrant’s image in the Photo on the fields of exploitations stated in Sec. 8.6 for the purposes connected with the organization of the Competition, as well as for Organiser’s marketing and promotional purposes, without any remuneration, as well as without time and territory limits. The Entrant agrees for adjustments, framing, corrections or other modifications or adjustment of the Entrant’s image in the Photo as intended by the Organiser for the best use in connection with the Competition or its marketing activities. Moreover, Entrant confirms that other persons whose images are also recorded in the Photo agreed to the use of their images by the Organiser or other entities commissioned by Organiser on the rules set forth in these Terms and Conditions.
  • By completing the actions mentioned in Sec. 3.2 above in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, the Entrant grants the Organiser a non-exclusive and gratuitous license, with the right to grant sub-licenses, to use the submitted Photo, without time and territory limits, for purposes connected with the organization of the Competition as well as Organiser’s marketing and promotional purposes, on the following fields of exploitation:
  1. recording of the Photo using all known techniques on all known media, which includes in particular recording using digital techniques,
  2. reproduction of the Photo using all known techniques,
  • multiple public display of the Photo,
  1. exploitation of the Photo on the Internet, on websites, including social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or by means of telephone or satellite, wire or wireless, digital or analogue techniques,
  2. making the Photo publicly available in such a way that everyone can access it from a place and at a time individually chosen by them,
  3. using the Photo in marketing activities, including for advertising and marketing WizzAir products, including on social media, such as Instagram and Facebook,
  • using the Photo to create derivative works and then using such created works in the manner indicated in items i) to viii),

regardless of the number of broadcasts, emissions or copies produced, and undertakes not to exercise the personal copyrights to the submitted Photo in relation to the Organiser. The license is granted for an indefinite period of time; a statement of termination of the license cannot be made before the lapse of five years from the date of the Photo submission.

  • At the moment of granting the license referred to in Sec. 8.5 the Entrant grants the Organiser the permission to exercise derivative copyrights to the Photo, made by the Organiser or upon his order, and also transfers to the Organiser the right to authorize the execution of dependent copyrights.
  • If the Photo includes the image of the Entrant or any other person, the Entrant grants consent for using and distribution of its own image on the fields of exploitations stated in Sec. 8.5 and on the terms specified in this Sec. 8, as well as confirms that any persons other than Entrant whose image is on the Photo agreed to submitting the Photo into the Competition and agrees to the use and distribution of his/her image on the fields of exploitation and on the terms stated in Sec. 8.
  • The Entrant agrees for use of its name or nickname by the Organiser in connection with the Competition or the use of the Photo and in particular, agrees for publishing the name or nickname as the winners of the Competition as specified in Sec. 3.4.
  • The complaints regarding the way the Competition is carried out should be submitted by the Entrants via email to following addresses wizzair@mito.hu with a note: “Wizz Air – #WIZZyouwerehere” competition. The complaints may be submitted from the start of the Entry Period until July 27, 2022. The complaint should include Entrant’s first name, surname, correspondence address and e-mail address given during the registration, as well as detailed description, justification of complaint and demand of specified behavior of Organiser.
  • Within 14 days of receipt of the complaint, the Organiser will consider the complaint and inform the Entrant in writing of the manner of its consideration.
  • The Entrant submitting a complaint will receive the decision of the Organiser via email to the address specified in the complaint.
  • Complaint procedure is voluntary and does not exclude Entrant’s right to independent investigation of his/her claims in court.
  1. Governing Law
  • This Competition shall be subject to and governed by the laws of Poland.
  1. Final provisions
  • In order to participate in the Competition, each of Entrants need to declare that they accept these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy notice, which forms an integral part of the present Terms and Conditions.
  • The Organiser does not reimburse the Entrants for any costs related to their participation in the Competition.
  • These Terms and conditions constitute the sole document that sets forth the terms and conditions of the Competition.
  • These Terms have been made in Polish and English language versions. In case of discrepancies, the Polish language version will prevail.

This Competition is not sponsored, administered, or organized by Facebook, Inc. or Instagram, LLC and no data is collected or processed by Facebook, Inc. or Instagram, LLC. Facebook, Inc. or Instagram, LLC shall not be responsible for any of the provisions above.


1.   Introduction and the Controller

The present privacy notice (“Privacy Notice”) covers the processing of your personal data by: 

Wizz Air Hungary Ltd. (“Wizz Air”) acting as data controller, with registered seat in Hungary, 1103 Budapest, Laurus Offices, Kőér street 2/A, Building B (“Organiser”) as the organiser of the “Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere” Raffle (“Competition”), and

Mito Creative Zrt. (“Mito”) as data processor with registered seat at Károlyi utca 9. Floor, 1053 Budapest, Hungary, www.mito.hu, referred to as “Administrator”.

The Organiser and Administrator may be contacted related to any personal data protection issue as described in this Privacy Notice.

2.   The personal data processed by the Organiser, the purpose of processing, the legal basis of processing and period of processing

The Organiser is organizing the Competition, titled “Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere” Raffle which is to run from 23 June 2022 00:01 (UTC+2) to 26 June 2022, 00:01 (UTC+2). Related to the Competition the Organiser will process the following personal data of the Entrants for the purposes as described below. 

Purpose of data processingTypes of processed personal dataLegal base of data processingRetention period
Admission of the Entrant into the Competition including verification of eligibility in accordance and pursuant to the Terms and Conditions of the “Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere” (“Terms and Conditions”) and running the CompetitionEntrant name, Photo containing the image tagged by the Entrant, caption and location information and any other information that the Entrant have posted in the Photo, date of birthYour consent [Article 6 (1) a) of GDPR]Organiser will store your data for 30 days following the finish date of the Competition
Communicating with the winnersEntrant name, email addressYour consent [Article 6 (1) a) of GDPR]Organiser will store your data for 1 year following the finish date of the Competition

The Entrants have the right to withdraw consent at any time where the Organiser is relying on consent to process the personal data. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before the withdrawal of the consent of the Entrants. If the Entrant withdraws his/her consent, the Organiser may not be able to provide certain services to the Entrant. The Organiser will advise the Entrant if this is the case at the time the Entrant withdraws his/her consent.

The Organiser processes the personal data provided until the withdrawal of the consent of the Entrants, in case of no withdrawal for the time period indicated above. The Organiser permanently deletes all personal data when the retention period expires.

3.   Recipient or categories of recipients of the personal data

The Organiser may have to share the personal data of the Entrants with the parties and will disclose those as set out below for the purposes set out in Section 2 of this Privacy Notice:

  1. the Administrator (Mito Creative Zrt.; registered seat at Károlyi utca 9. Floor, 1053 Budapest, Hungary] as data processor defined in Section 1.2. of the Terms and Conditions;
  2. supervisory authorities and other regulatory authorities or bodies upon their request or as required by the law.

The Organiser requires all third parties to respect the security of the personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. The Organiser does not allow the third-party service providers to process the personal data for their own purposes and only permit them to process the personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with the instructions of the Organiser.

4.   What rights you have relating to the data processing?

Corresponding to applicable data protection laws, you – based on particular circumstances – shall have the:

  • right to request access to your personal data;
  • right to have your personal data rectified;
  • right to have your personal data erased;
  • right to restrict the processing of your personal data;
  • withdraw the consent provided to the processing of personal data.

For the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice Wizz Air does not apply decision-making based on automated data processing, including profiling.

5.   About your legal remedies

If you consider that the processing of your personal data breaches the provisions of the applicable data protection laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint with National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 9-11.; phone: +36 1 391 1400; fax: + 36 1 391 1410; e-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@naih.hu).

If the data protection authority does not take action with your lodged complaint, or does not inform you within three month about the developments of the proceeding or its result, or you consider, that the processing your personal data violates your rights under GDPR, you shall have the right to file a claim with the competent court.

6.   Further information and data protection officer

For further information regarding the processing of your personal data you may contact Wizz Air’s data protection officer at data.protection@wizzair.com

7.   Processing your personal data by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (headquarters: 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Dublin Ireland), which provides the operation of the Competition on Instagram, is also a data controller during the Competition. Meta Platforms Ireland Limited qualifies as an independent data controller, within the framework of which it defines the purpose and framework of data management independently and has an independent responsibility for personal data process.

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited also has its own privacy statement for the processing of your personal data on Instagram that you can access at https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875.

The Competition is not sponsored, administered or organized by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited and Meta Platforms Ireland Limited shall not be responsible for any of the provisions above.


1.      Wprowadzenie, Administrator

Niniejsza informacja o ochronie danych („Informacja o ochronie danych”) obejmuje przetwarzanie danych osobowych Uczestnika przez:

Wizz Air Hungary Ltd. („Wizz Air”) działający jako administrator, z siedzibą w Budapeszcie, Węgry, adres: 1103 Budapeszt, Laurus Offices, ul. Kőér 2/A, B épület („Organizator”), jako organizator konkursu pod nazwą “Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere” („Konkurs”), oraz

Mito Creative Zrt. (“Mito”) działający jako podmiot przetwarzający, z siedzibą w Károlyi utca 9. Floor, 1053 Budapeszt, Węgry, www.mito.hu, dalej „Administrator”.

W sprawach związanych z ochroną danych osobowych prosimy o kontakt z Organizatorem i Administratorem zgodnie z niniejszą Informacją o ochronie danych.

2.      Dane osobowe przetwarzane przez Organizatora, cel przetwarzania, podstawa prawna przetwarzania oraz okres przetwarzania

Organizator organizuje Konkurs pod nazwą „Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere”, który potrwa od 23 czerwca 2022 r. od godz. 00:01 (UTC+2) do 26 czerwca 2022 r. do godz. 00:01 (UTC+2). W związku z Konkursem Organizator będzie przetwarzał następujące dane osobowe Uczestników w celach opisanych poniżej.

Cele przetwarzania danych osobowychRodzaje przetwarzanych danych osobowychPodstawa prawna przetwarzania danych osobowychOkres przechowywania
Dopuszczenie Uczestnika do Konkursu, w tym weryfikacja jego uprawnień zgodnie z Warunkami Konkursu „Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere” („Warunki”) oraz jego prowadzeniaNazwa Uczestnika, zdjęcie zawierające wizerunek oznaczone przez Uczestnika, podpis i informacje o lokalizacji oraz wszelkie inne informacje, które Uczestnik zamieścił na zdjęciu, data urodzeniaZgoda Uczestnika [art. 6 (1) a) RODO]  Organizator przechowuje dane osobowe Uczestnika przez 30 dni od daty zakończenia Konkursu
Komunikowanie się ze zwycięzcamiNazwa Uczestnika, adres e-mailZgoda Uczestnika [art. 6 (1) a) RODO]Organizator przechowuje dane osobowe Uczestnika przez 1 rok od daty zakończenia Konkursu

Uczestnikowi przysługuje prawo do wycofania zgody w dowolnym momencie, jeśli przetwarzanie danych osobowych przez Organizatora opiera się na zgodzie Uczestnika. Nie będzie to jednak miało wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano przed wycofaniem zgody przez Uczestnika. Jeżeli Uczestnik wycofa swoją zgodę, Organizator może nie być w stanie świadczyć pewnych usług na rzecz Uczestnika. Organizator poinformuje Uczestnika, czy taka sytuacja ma miejsce w momencie wycofania zgody przez Uczestnika.

Organizator przetwarza podane dane osobowe do czasu wycofania zgody przez Uczestnika, w przypadku braku wycofania zgody przez okres wskazany powyżej. Po upływie okresu przechowywania Organizator trwale usuwa wszelkie dane osobowe.

3.      Odbiorcy lub kategorie odbiorców danych osobowych

Od Organizatora może być wymagane udostępnienie danych osobowych Uczestników osobom trzecim. Organizator ujawni dane osobowe zgodnie z poniższym w celach określonych w punkcie 2 niniejszej Informacji o ochronie danych:

  • Administratorowi [Mito Creative Zrt.; z siedzibą w Károlyi utca 9. Floor, 1053 Budapeszt, Węgry] jako podmiotowi przetwarzającemu zgodnie z punktem 1.2 Warunków;
  • organom nadzorczym i innym organom lub instytucjom regulacyjnym na ich żądanie lub zgodnie z wymogami prawa.

Organizator wymaga od wszystkich osób trzecich poszanowania bezpieczeństwa danych osobowych i ich traktowanie zgodnie z prawem. Organizator nie zezwala usługodawcom na przetwarzanie danych osobowych dla własnych celów i zezwala im na przetwarzanie danych osobowych wyłącznie w określonych celach i zgodnie z instrukcjami Organizatora.

4.      Jakie prawa przysługują Uczestnikowi w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych?

Zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami o ochronie danych osobowych, Uczestnik – w zależności od szczególnych okoliczności – ma:

  • prawo do żądania dostępu do swoich danych osobowych;
  • prawo do żądania sprostowania swoich danych osobowych;
  • prawo do żądania usunięcia swoich danych osobowych;
  • prawo do ograniczenia przetwarzania swoich danych osobowych;
  • prawo do wycofania zgody udzielonej na przetwarzanie danych osobowych.

Do celów określonych w niniejszej Informacji o ochronie danych, Wizz Air nie podejmuje decyzji w oparciu o zautomatyzowane przetwarzanie danych, w tym profilowania.

5.      Środki prawne przysługujące Uczestnikowi

Jeśli Uczestnik uważa, że przetwarzanie danych osobowych Uczestnika narusza przepisy obowiązującego prawa o ochronie danych osobowych, Uczestnik ma prawo złożyć skargę do Krajowego Urzędu Ochrony Danych i Wolności Informacji (1055 Budapeszt, Falk Miksa utca 9-11.; numer telefonu: + 36 1 391 1400; faks: + 36 1 391 1410; e-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@naih.hu).

Jeśli organ ochrony danych nie podejmie działań w związku ze złożoną przez Uczestnika skargą lub nie poinformuje go w ciągu trzech miesięcy o przebiegu postępowania lub jego wyniku, lub w przypadku uznania przez Uczestnika, że przetwarzanie danych osobowych Uczestnika narusza jego prawa wynikające z RODO, Uczestnik ma prawo złożyć pozew do właściwego sądu.

6.      Dodatkowe informacje, inspektor ochrony danych

W celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji dotyczących przetwarzania danych osobowych Uczestnika można skontaktować się z inspektorem ochrony danych Wizz Air pod adresem data.protection@wizzair.com.

7.      Przetwarzanie danych osobowych przez Meta Platforms Ireland Limited

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (siedziba: 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Dublin Irlandia), zapewniający obsługę Konkursu na Instagramie, jest również administratorem danych w czasie trwania Konkursu. Meta Platforms Ireland Limited kwalifikuje się jako niezależny administrator danych i w tym zakresie samodzielnie określa cel i ramy zarządzania danymi osobowymi oraz ponosi niezależnie odpowiedzialność za przetwarzanie danych osobowych.

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited posiada również własne oświadczenie o ochronie prywatności dotyczące przetwarzania danych osobowych na Instagramie, dostępne pod adresem https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875.

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited nie jest sponsorem, administratorem ani organizatorem Konkursu i nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za żadne z powyższych postanowień.