Terms and Conditions of the “Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere” Raffle

  1. Organiser, Definitions
  • The organizer of the Competition is Wizz Air UK Limited (“Wizz Air”), with registered seat in Main Terminal Building London Luton Airport Luton LU2 9LY (“Organiser”) is organizing the raffle “Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere”, which is to run from 23 June 2022 00:01 (GMT+1) until 26 June 2022 23:59 (GMT+1) (“Competition”).
  • The administrator of the Competition designated by the Organizer to implement the Competition, including management and promotion of the Competition, awards and winners management, grating of the prizes is Mito Communications Zrt. with registered seat at Károlyi utca 9. Floor, 1053 Budapest, Hungary, www.mito.hu (the “Administrator”).
  • Definitions

Entrant: Any person entering the Competition according to the present terms and conditions.

Entry: Completion of actions listed in Clause 5.2 below. Multiple entries are permitted.

  1. Competition Rules
  • The Competition is carried out in accordance with these terms and conditions which are drafted based on the applicable legislation. These terms and conditions are mandatory for all Entrant.
  • The terms and conditions are published and made available to the public free of charge in English languages online on the website of the Organizer, namely https://mito.hu/framing_memories_uk (the “Website”).
  • The Organizer reserves the right to modify, without the consent of the participants and without the right to compensation, any of the provisions of these terms and conditions. Amendments of any kind to these terms and conditions shall enter into force on the date of their posting on the Website.
  1. Location and duration of the Competition
  • The Competition is addressed to all Entrants, in accordance with these terms and conditions.
  • The Competition is carried out in the Competition period set forth in Clause 1.1 above. The Entrants who do not respect this period are not eligible.
  1. Entrants
  • Participation in the raffle is open to any natural person above the age of 18 with full legal capacity with Internet access, but excludes employees, members of the organizing association and or administrator and their family (spouse/children) and any person who has generally helped to develop and organise the raffle.
  1. Entry requirements
  • Entry period: 23 June 2022 00:01 (GMT+1) until 26 June 2022 00:01 (GMT+1)
  • Entry method:

In order to become an eligible Entrant, any participant shall during the Competition period:

  1. If you are travelling on a selected Wizz Air Flight from the United Kingdom on 23 and 24 June 2022, find the hidden photo frame in the seat pocket in front of you on the plane. Each passenger will have the chance to find one.
  2. Take a photo using the WIZZ photo frame, tag @wizzair and share it as an Instagram post with the #WIZZyouwerehere by 26 June 2022.
  • Make sure your Instagram profile is public and that you follow WIZZ on Instagram.
  • The raffle will be announced on the Administrator’s Instagram accounts. In addition to such announcements, the Organizer reserves the right to announce the raffle the Wizz Air Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/wizzair/), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/wizzair/) and Twitter profiles (https://twitter.com/wizzair) and on wizzair.com.
  1. Winner selection
  • On 26 June 2022 (00:01) (GMT+1) the raffle (Competition) finishes.
  • Among the Entrants who meet the entry requirements, five (5) winners, will be selected by means of a lucky draw conducted by the Administrator.
  • The winners will be announced via Direct Messages on Instagram by 4 July 2022, 23:59:59.
  1. Awards
  • The prizes consist of 5 (five) prizes of EUR 500 each. The total value of the prizes offered is of EUR 2500. One participant can win 1 (one) prize for the entire duration of the Competition.
  • Four replacement winners shall be selected by the Administrators (two (2) each) in addition to the winners described in Clause 7.1. In case the winner selected could not be reached or is disqualified from the Competition for any reason, in accordance with Clause 8 of the present Terms and Conditions, Organizer will notify the first eligible replacement winner.
  • Wizz Air’ General Conditions of Carriage shall be applicable to the tickets as applicable and published on wizzair.com from time to time.
  • The prize is non-transferrable, must be accepted as such and cannot be replaced with another item or money.
  • The ORGANIZER will comply with the obligations to compute, withhold, declare and transfer to the state budget any tax related to the prizes, if the case, according to the applicable fiscal legislation.
  • Any other obligations of a fiscal nature and / or of any other nature, in connection to the prize awarded in the Competition, that do not fall under the ORGANIZER’S obligation, as per the applicable legislation, will remain the exclusive responsibility of the winner(s) of the prize(s).
  1. Notification to Winners
  • The Winner(s) will be notified by the Administrator via the respective Administrator’s Instagram page or via Direct Messages on Instagram by 4 July 2022.
  • Failure to respond to the Administrator within 7 days of the date on which the Administrator sends the notification message, whether due to server malfunction or any other cause, will result in disqualification. In such case, the Organiser reserves the right to offer the prize to the next eligible Entrant selected in accordance with Clause 6. The Administrator does not accept liability for any disadvantages that may arise as the result of inability to receive email.
  • When the prize is awarded, the Administrator reserves the right to carry out all necessary checks to ensure that the winner meets the requirements of these Terms and Conditions.
  • If a winner does not meet the requirements, it will result in disqualification.
  1. Data protection
  • The data protection provisions of the Competition are contained by the Privacy notice of the Competition, available on the Organiser’s website, namely https://mito.hu/framing_memories_uk.
  1. Limitation of Liability
  • By entering this Competition, all Entrants agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless the Organiser and its partners, affiliates, parents, subsidiaries, agents and all of their employees, officers, directors, agents and representatives from any and all claims, losses, and damages arising from or in relation to the participation in the Competition.
  1. Disputes
  • Entrants agree that this Competition shall be subject to and governed by the laws of England and Wales, and the forum for any dispute shall be the competent courts of England and Wales. To the extent permitted by law, the right to litigate, to seek injunctive relief or to make any other recourse to judicial or any other procedure in case of disputes or claims resulting from or on connection with this Competition are hereby excluded and any Entrant expressly waives any and all such rights.
  1. Final provisions
  • By entering this Competition, the Entrants participating in the Competition declare that they accept these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy notice, which forms an integral part of the present Terms and Conditions.
  • The Organiser does not reimburse the Entrants for any costs related to their participation in the Competition.
  • The Entrants are required to irrevocably, unconditionally and at the first request indemnify the Organiser in full against any obligations that might be imposed on the Organiser, also through a non- binding ruling, for any violation of the rights of third parties, including copyright and moral rights.
  • These Terms and conditions constitute the sole document that sets forth the terms and conditions of the Competition.
  • In the case of any doubts concerning the application of these Terms and Conditions, the Organiser has the right to issue a binding interpretation of its provisions.
  • Promotional and advertising material on the Competition is for information purposes only. Only the provisions of these Terms and Conditions are legally binding.
  • Wizz Air reserves the right to amend or alter the Terms and Conditions of Competition or withdraw the Competition at any time and reject Entries from Entrants not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Competition.

This Competition is not sponsored, administered, or organized by Facebook, Inc. or Instagram, LLC and no data is collected or processed by Facebook, Inc. or Instagram, LLC. Facebook, Inc. or Instagram, LLC shall not be responsible for any of the provisions above.


1. Introduction and the Controller

The present privacy notice (“Privacy Notice”) covers the processing of your personal data by:

Wizz Air Hungary Ltd. (“Wizz Air”) acting as data controller, with registered seat in Hungary, 1103 Budapest, Laurus Offices, Kőér street 2/A, Building B (“Organiser”) as the organiser of the “Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere” Raffle (“Competition”), and

Mito Creative Zrt. (“Mito”) as data processor with registered seat at Károlyi utca 9. Floor, 1053 Budapest, Hungary, www.mito.hu, referred to as “Administrator”.

The Organiser and Administrator may be contacted related to any personal data protection issue as described in this Privacy Notice.

2. The personal data processed by the Organiser, the purpose of processing, the legal basis of processing and period of processing

The Organiser is organizing the Competition, titled “Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere” Raffle which is to run from 23 June 2022 00:01 (UTC+2) to 26 June 2022, 00:01 (UTC+2). Related to the Competition the Organiser will process the following personal data of the Entrants for the purposes as described below.

Purpose of data processingTypes of processed personal dataLegal base of data processingRetention period
Admission of the Entrant into the Competition including verification of eligibility in accordance and pursuant to the Terms and Conditions of the “Wizz Air #WIZZyouwerehere” (“Terms and Conditions”) and running the CompetitionEntrant name, Photo containing the image tagged by the Entrant, caption and location information and any other information that the Entrant have posted in the Photo, date of birthYour consent [Article 6 (1) a) of GDPR]Organiser will store your data for 30 days following the finish date of the Competition
Communicating with the winnersEntrant name, email addressYour consent [Article 6 (1) a) of GDPR]Organiser will store your data for 1 year following the finish date of the Competition

The Entrants have the right to withdraw consent at any time where the Organiser is relying on consent to process the personal data. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before the withdrawal of the consent of the Entrants. If the Entrant withdraws his/her consent, the Organiser may not be able to provide certain services to the Entrant. The Organiser will advise the Entrant if this is the case at the time the Entrant withdraws his/her consent.

The Organiser processes the personal data provided until the withdrawal of the consent of the Entrants, in case of no withdrawal for the time period indicated above. The Organiser permanently deletes all personal data when the retention period expires.

3. Recipient or categories of recipients of the personal data

The Organiser may have to share the personal data of the Entrants with the parties and will disclose those as set out below for the purposes set out in Section 2 of this Privacy Notice:

  1. the Administrator (Mito Creative Zrt.; registered seat at Károlyi utca 9. Floor, 1053 Budapest, Hungary] as data processor defined in Section 1.2. of the Terms and Conditions;
  2. supervisory authorities and other regulatory authorities or bodies upon their request or as required by the law.

The Organiser requires all third parties to respect the security of the personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. The Organiser does not allow the third-party service providers to process the personal data for their own purposes and only permit them to process the personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with the instructions of the Organiser.

4. What rights you have relating to the data processing?

Corresponding to applicable data protection laws, you – based on particular circumstances – shall have the:

  • right to request access to your personal data;
  • right to have your personal data rectified;
  • right to have your personal data erased;
  • right to restrict the processing of your personal data;
  • withdraw the consent provided to the processing of personal data.

For the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice Wizz Air does not apply decision-making based on automated data processing, including profiling.

5. About your legal remedies

If you consider that the processing of your personal data breaches the provisions of the applicable data protection laws, you have the right to lodge a complaint with National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 9-11.; phone: +36 1 391 1400; fax: + 36 1 391 1410; e-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@naih.hu).

If the data protection authority does not take action with your lodged complaint, or does not inform you within three month about the developments of the proceeding or its result, or you consider, that the processing your personal data violates your rights under GDPR, you shall have the right to file a claim with the competent court.

6. Further information and data protection officer

For further information regarding the processing of your personal data you may contact Wizz Air’s data protection officer at data.protection@wizzair.com.

7. Processing your personal data by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited (headquarters: 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Dublin Ireland), which provides the operation of the Competition on Instagram, is also a data controller during the Competition. Meta Platforms Ireland Limited qualifies as an independent data controller, within the framework of which it defines the purpose and framework of data management independently and has an independent responsibility for personal data process.

Meta Platforms Ireland Limited also has its own privacy statement for the processing of your personal data on Instagram that you can access at https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875.

The Competition is not sponsored, administered or organized by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited and Meta Platforms Ireland Limited shall not be responsible for any of the provisions above.